WSJ Blogs

Bill Gates, Vaccines and a $1.5 Billion Carrot

Bill GatesBill Gates, whom you may know as the author of a popular Twitter feed, said today that his foundation would spend $10 billion on vaccine delivery and R&D over the next 10 years.

Even for a $34 billion foundation, that’s a big chunk of money. “Because of the impact we’re seeing from vaccines we’ll actually spend a higher percentage on vaccines,” Gates told the WSJ.

Gates devoted a chunk of his annual letter, published earlier this week, to vaccines; one of the projects he mentioned struck us as particularly interesting.

It’s called an advance market commitment — basically, a promise to help buy a vaccine that meets certain criteria. The Gates Foundation, along with a handful of governments and NGOs, last year promised $1.5 billion for a pneumococcal vaccine for poor countries. Pneumococcal diseases cause meningitis and pneumonia, and kill some 800,000 children every year.

To claim a share of the money, manufacturers have to commit to sell vaccine for $7 per dose — an order of magnitude less than the current price for the vaccine in the developed world.

“We expect that manufacturers will commit to building factories much earlier than they would otherwise in order to compete for this money,” Gates wrote in his letter this week. “During 2010 the negotiations with manufacturers should come to a conclusion. We believe this will make a big difference in how quickly this vaccine gets to poor children and show how this approach can be applied to other medicines.”

Photo: Associated Press

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    • So exactly what is wrong with trying to create an incentive to put a safe effective routine vaccine into the hands of people where milllions of kids are suffering terribly and dying from an unentirely preventable disease? because the disease is more effective than starvation as population control? or is it because France has excess flu vaccine?

    • What the hell is it to any of you how he spends HIS money? How much did you donate last year…$11 bill?

    • Thanks Bill. I’m so glad you put all the other software companies out of business so you could make 40 Billion and spend it circumcising African children and paying for vaccines.

      Maybe next you can pay back the U.S. for the $100 Billion they wasted this year on H1N1 vaccines. Also, note that France is trying to unload 50 Million H1N1 vaccines after less than 10% of their public was dumb enough to take that untested, unproven, unsafe, ineffective chemical cocktail for which all liability was waived by Sebelius. I’d like to see you and Melinda take one.

    • invest in infrastructre? facilities? education? something that will actually help them get out of this misrable situation?

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