Using the Product Search includes test results for over 8,300 products. In cases where toys had many different components (building blocks of different colors, for example, or dolls with fabric and plastic), researchers attempted to collect a useful number of samples from each product. For this reason, the data reflects over 20,000 individual samples of different product components. The testing methodology includes an X-ray technology that identifies elements on or near the surface of a product, called an XRF analyzer (see methodology for more details) and lab testing for lead. Based on these results, each product tested was given an overall rating, as well as an individual chemical rating for cadmium, chlorine, lead, arsenic, bromine, mercury and for some product categories tin. A detailed description of the rating system is provided in the product rating section. developed two methods for consumer to use in evaluating products.  These methods share common overall rating scheme, which classifies products as LOW (GREEN), MEDIUM (YELLOW) OR HIGH (RED) concern.  Wherever you are on, you can use this color scheme as your guide to the products we test.  Our method DOES NOT allow comparison to be made across different product categories.

A detailed description of the rating system is provided in the product rating section.

An summary of overall trends for recent product tests is provided in the findings section.

Other features of the site:

  • A universal product search feature is available in the center navigation bar of all pages.
  • Fom each individual product department (cars or toys, for example), products can found using the search function, by the products name, or generate a list of products tested by brand or by type.
  • You can keep and share a shopping list of products using the website's list function.
  • You can post our Search Widget to your blog or website.
  • In other areas of the site you can Take Action, learn more about the details of our testing, or get additional information about chemicals. Explore the site and let us know what you think - we'd love to hear from you! ratings do not provide a measure of health risk or chemical exposure associated with any individual product, or any individual element or related chemical. ratings provide only a relative measure of high, medium, and low concentrations of several hazardous chemicals or chemical elements in an individual product in comparison to criteria established in the site methodology.

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