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True Torah Jews Against Zionism


Rabbinical Endorsements

Rabbi Michael dov Weissmandl zt"l

During World War II Rabbi Weissmandl devised a plan which would have allowed thousands of European Jews to escape the horrors of the holocaust. His plans were thwarted by the Zionists who refused to compromise, saying that unless the Jews could go to Palestine they would stay where they were and accept their fate.

This video clip was reproduced with the permission of the producers of the TV Documentary "Among Blind Fools" trilogy, an independent documentary made by Verafilm and the Czech Public Television, which has no connection to True Torah Jews Against Zionism

This documentary is not available for sale. A VHS tape of the trilogy was deposited at the Czech Cultural center in New York.  True Torah Jews is grateful to VERAFILM, the producers of this film, for allowing us to display this clip for your viewing.
Read Rabbi Weissmandl's article, Ten Questions to the Zionists, for more information about his failed plan to save thousands of Jews.
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