
Upload Your Documents

Share your files with millions of people, or only with the people you choose.


You can use the single file uploader to upload one file at a time.

To select multiple files, use the ctrl or shift key on your PC, or apple or shift key on your Mac.

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WARNING: Do not upload copyrighted material for which you don't own the rights or have permission from the owner.

Great Reasons to Upload

  • Tens of millions of people visit Scribd every month; your work could be discovered by the world!
  • Every document on Scribd gets frequently indexed by Google, which means better audience targeting for your work.
  • Your document will be viewed the way it was meant to be - with its unique fonts, graphics and other details.
  • Check out detailed stats on viewers, ratings, downloads and more
  • Take your document anywhere; just copy the embed code and insert it into a blog or other website.
Supported File Types

Scribd supports most common document formats. If you're not sure, try uploading it.

Microsoft Office: Microsoft Word Files doc, docx Microsoft Powerpoint Files ppt, pptx, pps Microsoft Excel Files xls, xlsx

PDF: PDF pdf, ps

Open Office: Open Office Documents odt, odp, sxw, sxi, etc.

Text: Text Documents txt, rtf