Can I delete my Skype account?


If you no longer want to use your Skype account, you first need to remove all your personal information from your profile. This will ensure that other people cannot search for you in Skype by using personal information such as your full name, email or phone number (although they’ll still be able to search for your Skype Name).

If you sign into Skype using your Microsoft account, follow the procedure on this page.

The personal details contained in your profile depend on information you provided when you created or updated your profile. It may include your name, gender, date of birth, phone number, email address, mood message and any profile pictures of yourself you’ve uploaded.

To delete the personal details from your profile:

  1. Sign in to your Skype account.
  2. Under Account Details, select Profile.
  3. In the Personal information section, click Edit next to Change password.

The Edit option selected in the Personal information section.

  1. Remove any personal details you provided. You can replace your details in the fields with random characters such as “qwerty” or “xxx” because empty fields cannot be saved.
  2. Click Save.

Learn how to change your primary email address.

Learn how to change your profile picture.

You can also remove your Skype Name from the Skype sign-in screen.

If you want us to remove your Skype Name from the Skype directory, you need to contact our Skype Customer Service. It may take up to two weeks to remove your name from the directory.

When we remove your Skype Name from the Skype directory, it will still appear in the contact lists of people who have added you as their contact. Only they can remove you from their contact list. But even if they don’t, they won’t be able to call you on Skype.

Learn what you can do if someone has taken over your account.

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Important: Do not enter any personal information (such as your Skype Name, email address, Microsoft account, password, or real name or phone number) in the field above.


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