FIG 1 - uploaded by Rui Carvalho
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(Colour online) European gas pipeline network. We show the transmission network [blue (dark gray) pipelines] overlaid with the distribution network [brown (light gray) pipelines]. Link thickness is proportional to the pipeline diameter. We projected the data with the Lambert azimuthal equal area projection [16]. Background colours identify EU member states. 

(Colour online) European gas pipeline network. We show the transmission network [blue (dark gray) pipelines] overlaid with the distribution network [brown (light gray) pipelines]. Link thickness is proportional to the pipeline diameter. We projected the data with the Lambert azimuthal equal area projection [16]. Background colours identify EU member states. 

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Here, we uncover the load and fault-tolerant backbones of the trans-European gas pipeline network. Combining topological data with information on intercountry flows, we estimate the global load of the network and its tolerance to failures. To do this, we apply two complementary methods generalized from the betweenness centrality and the maximum flo...

Contexts in source publication

Context 1
... σ s,t is the number of shortest paths from node s to node t and σ s,t ( e ij ) is the number of these paths passing through link e ij . The concept of betweenness centrality was originally developed to characterise the influence of nodes in social networks [27, 28] and, to our knowledge, was used for the first time in the physics literature in the context of social networks by Newman [29] and in the context of communication networks by Goh et al. [30][45]. Betweenness centrality is relevant in man-made networks which deliver products, substances or materials as cost constraints on these networks condition transportation to occur along shortest paths. However, nodes and links with high betweenness in spatial networks are often near the network barycentre [31], whose location is given by x G = i x i /N , whereas the most important infrastructure elements are frequently along the periphery, close to either the sources or the sinks. Although flows are conditioned by a specific set of sources and sinks, the traffic between these nodes may be highly heteroge- neous and one may have only access to aggregate transport data, but not to the detailed flows between individual sources and sinks (e.g. competition between operators may prevent the release of detailed data). Here we propose a generalization of betweenness centrality in the context of flows taking place on a substrate network, but where flow data are available only at an aggregate level. We then show in the next section how the generalized betweenness centrality can help us to gain insights into the structure of trans-European gas pipeline networks. The substrate network is often composed of sets of nodes which act like aggregate sources and sinks. The aggregation can be geographical (e.g., countries, regions or cities), or organizational (e.g., companies or institu- tions). If the flow information is only available at aggregate level then a possible extension of the betweenness centrality for these networks is to weight the number of shortest paths between pairs of source and sink nodes by the amount of flow which is known to go through the network between aggregated pairs of sources and sinks. To do this, we must first create a flow network by parti- tioning the substrate network, G S = ( V S , E S ), into a set of disjoint subgraphs V F = { ( V S 1 , E S 1 ) , · · · , ( V S M , E M ) } . The flow network G F = ( V F , E F ) is then defined as the directed network of flows among the subgraphs in V F , where the links E F are weighted by the value of aggregate flow among the V F . For our purposes, the substrate network is the trans-European gas pipeline network rep- resented in Fig. 1 and the flow network is the network of international gas trade movements by pipeline in Fig. 2. The generalized betweenness centrality (generalized betweenness) of link e ij ∈ E S is defined as follows. Let T K,L be the flow from source subgraph K = ( V K , E K ) ∈ V F to sink subgraph L = ( V , E ) ∈ V . Take each ...
Context 2
... such as Norway and Switzerland), North Africa (main pipelines from Morocco and Tunisia), Eastern Europe (Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Turkey) and Western Russia (see Fig. 1). Similarly to electrical power grids, gas pipeline networks have two main layers: transmission and distribution. The transmission network transports natural gas over long distances (typically across different countries), whereas pipelines at the distribution level cover urban areas and deliver gas directly to end consumers. We extracted the gas pipeline transmission network from the complete natural gas network, as the connected component composed of all the important pipelines with diameter d ≥ 15 inches. To finalize the network, we added all other pipelines interconnecting major branches [19]. We treated the resulting network as undirected due to the lack of information on the direction of flows. However, network links are weighted according to pipeline diameter and length. The European gas pipeline infrastructure is a continent-wide sparse network which crosses 38 countries, has about 2 . 4 × 10 4 nodes [compressor stations, city gate stations, liquefied natural gas (LNG) termi- nals, storage facilities, etc.] connected by approximately 2 . 5 × 10 4 pipelines (including urban pipelines), spanning more than 4 . 3 × 10 5 km (see Table I). The trans- European gas pipeline network is, in fact, a union of national infrastructure networks for the transport and delivery of natural gas over Europe. These ...

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Gas and electricity transmission systems are increasingly interconnected, and an attack on certain assets can cause serious energy supply disruptions, as stated in recommendation (EU) 2019/553 on cybersecurity in the energy sector, recently approved by the European Commission. This study aims to assess the vulnerability of coupled natural gas and electricity infrastructures and proposes a method based on graph theory that incorporates the effects of interdependencies between networks. This study is built in a joint framework, where two different attack strategies are applied to the integrated systems: (1) disruptions to facilities with most links and (2) disruptions to the most important facilities in terms of flow. The vulnerability is measured after each network attack by quantifying the unmet load (UL) through a power flow analysis and calculating the topological damage of the systems with the geodesic vulnerability (v) index. The proposed simulation framework is applied to a case study that consists of the IEEE 118-bus test system and a 25-node high-pressure natural gas network, where both are coupled through seven gas-fired power plants (GFPPs) and three electric compressors (ECs). The methodology is useful for estimating vulnerability in both systems in a coupled manner, studying the propagation of interdependencies in the two networks and showing the applicability of the v index as a substitute for the UL index.
... The degree of a node has an important relationship with geographical population density (∼ 15 geographical population density) and it should be looked as indicator for functionality loss when a node is attacked [21]. 16 The dimensions of geographical population density is 1/Area 2 and it is combined with shortest path length (d ij ) between 17 affected nodes (j) and removed node (i) because Metro networks are generally planner graphs (most portions of it) and 18 metro rails travels on shortest paths between metro stations (in majority of the cases). The square of shortest path length 19 (d 2 ij ) is multiplied with degree of node (k j ) to get functionality of a node in its vicinity. ...
Recently, cities are expanding due to population growth and migration from rural areas. This phenomenon has caused baffling traffic congestions. Metro network is a viable solution to tackle this problem. With the expansion of cities, Metro infrastructure is required to be updated and expanded. Delhi city and Delhi Metro network is a typical example of this case. Delhi Metro network is undergoing expansion and it is scheduled to be completed by the year 2021. In this work, a complex network based comparative analysis of existing Delhi Metro (DMop) network and its extension (DMext) is performed. The results show that degree distribution and parameters related to degree are almost same in both networks. The local connectivity will improve marginally but global connectivity will fall significantly (15%) for DMext. The transport capacity of DMext will increase by 64% compared to DMop. To study the connectivity vulnerability and functionality vulnerability, five malicious attacks protocols are deployed. Two malicious hybrid attack protocols are proposed which are more efficient compared to other malicious attack protocols available in the literature. Pertaining to functionality, it is found that if same fraction of nodes (or edges) is attacked in both networks then DMext is slightly more vulnerable as compared to DMop. But, if same number of nodes (or edges) is attacked under any attack protocol then the DMext is more robust. In case of connectivity, DMext is slightly more vulnerable for same fraction of nodes attacked as well as for same number of nodes attacked.
... The most important variable in a gas network is pressure, which is the driving force for the transport of the NG through the pipe. When gas flows, the pressure decreases due to the frictional interaction between the gas and the pipe wall, exerting a shear force on the gas [2,[13][14][15][16][17]. ...
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The continuous uninterrupted supply of Natural Gas (NG) is crucial to today's economy, with issues in key infrastructure, e.g., Baumgarten hub in Austria in 2017, highlighting the importance of the NG infrastructure for the supply of primary energy. The balancing of gas supply from a wide range of sources with various end users can be challenging due to the unique and different behaviours of the end users, which in some cases span across a continent. Further complicating the management of the NG network is its role in supporting the electrical network. The fast response times of NG power plants and the potential to store energy in the network play a key role in adding flexibility across other energy systems. Traditionally, modelling the NG network relies on nonlinear pipe flow equations that incorporate the demand (load), flow rate, and physical network parameters including topography and NG properties. It is crucial that the simulations produce accurate results quickly. This paper seeks to provide a novel method to solve gas flow equations through a network under steady-state conditions. Firstly, the model is reformulated into non-linear matrix equations, then the equations separated into their linear and nonlinear components, and thirdly, the non-linear system is solved approximately by providing a linear system with similar solutions to the non-linear one. The non-linear equations of the NG transport system include the main variables and characteristics of a gas network, focusing on pressure drop in the gas network. Two simplified models, both of the Irish gas network (1. A gas network with 13 nodes, 2. A gas network with 109 nodes) are used as a case study for comparison of the solutions. Results are generated by using the novel method, and they are compared to the outputs of two numerical methods, the Newton-Raphson solution using MATLAB and SAINT, a commercial software that is used for the simulation of the gas network and electrical grids.
... Another cause for uncertainty about the network graph might be malicious attacks and unintentional failures. This issue is encountered in transportation networks [18], sensor networks [19] and gas networks [20]. ...
This paper deals with strong structural controllability of linear systems. In contrast to existing work, the structured systems studied in this paper have a so-called zero/nonzero/arbitrary structure, which means that some of the entries are equal to zero, some of the entries are arbitrary but nonzero, and the remaining entries are arbitrary (zero or nonzero). We formalize this in terms of pattern matrices whose entries are either fixed zero, arbitrary nonzero, or arbitrary. We establish necessary and sufficient algebraic conditions for strong structural controllability in terms of full rank tests of certain pattern matrices. We also give a necessary and sufficient graph theoretic condition for the full rank property of a given pattern matrix. This graph theoretic condition makes use of a new color change rule that is introduced in this paper. Based on these two results, we then establish a necessary and sufficient graph theoretic condition for strong structural controllability. Moreover, we relate our results to those that exists in the literature, and explain how our results generalize previous work.
... Metro networks can be modeled as complex systems and complex network theory can be applied to study the effect of failure on performance and connectivity. Many Scholars have applied complex network theory to study a different kind of infrastructure networks such as power grids [10,11,12,13], air transport [14], pipeline [15,16], 20 bus network [17] and Metro networks [1,18,19,20,21]. Vulnerability analysis is a key area in the study of Metro networks from complex network perspective [1,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30]. ...
Recently, cities are expanding due to population growth and migration from rural areas. This phenomenon has caused baffling traffic congestions. Metro network is a viable solution to tackle this problem. With the expansion of cities, Metro infrastructure is required to be updated and expanded. Delhi city and Delhi Metro network is a typical example of this case. Delhi Metro network is undergoing expansion and it is scheduled to be completed by the year 2021. In this work, a complex network based comparative analysis of existing Delhi Metro (DMop) network and its extension (DMext) is performed. The results show that degree distribution and parameters related to degree are almost same in both networks. The local connectivity will improve marginally but global connectivity will fall significantly (15%) for DMext. The transport capacity of DMext will increase by 64% compared to DMop. To study the connectivity vulnerability and functionality vulnerability, five malicious attacks protocols are deployed. Two malicious hybrid attack protocols are proposed which are more efficient compared to other malicious attack protocols available in the literature. Pertaining to functionality, it is found that if same fraction of nodes (or edges) is attacked in both networks then DMext is slightly more vulnerable as compared to DMop. But, if same number of nodes (or edges) is attacked under any attack protocol then the DMext is more robust. In case of connectivity, DMext is slightly more vulnerable for same fraction of nodes attacked as well as for same number of nodes attacked.